Results: 4

    Canadian Cardiovascular Harmonized National Guidelines Endeavour (C-CHANGE) guideline for the prevention and management of cardiovascular disease in primary care: 2018 update

    CMAJ; 190 (40), 2018
    This guideline is directed to primary health care providers caring for Canadian adults who have or are at risk of developing chronic cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, heart failure and stroke, and the risk factors for these conditions, including smoking, obesity and...

    Hearing loss in adults: assessment and management

    This guideline covers some aspects of assessing and managing hearing loss in primary, community and secondary care. It aims to improve the quality of life for adults with hearing loss by advising healthcare staff on assessing hearing difficulties, managing earwax and referring people for audiological or ...

    Stop smoking interventions and services

    This guideline covers stop smoking interventions and services delivered in primary care and community settings for everyone over the age of 12. It aims to ensure that everyone who smokes is advised and encouraged to stop and given the support they need. It emphasises the importance of targeting vulnerabl...

    Guía multidisciplinar española sobre la enfermedad de Anderson-Fabry

    La gran variabilidad en la expresión clínica de la enfermedad de Fabry, las dificultades para su diagnóstco y la disponibilidad actualmente de varias alternatvas para su tratamiento suponen un gran reto para los profesionales que atenden a pacientes con esta enfermedad, lo que justfica la realización...